
Unity 98

Our Brief History

The history of The Lodge of Unity No 98 cannot be recounted without first acknowledging the Founding Members of ‘The Lodge’, their names are listed at the foot of this page, and whose details appear on the bottom of every Lodge Summons. Without these Brethren this Lodge and our presence here would not be taking place. They therefore deserve our appreciation for their actions; without them, both the Lodge and the local community that has been supported by this Lodge would be the poorer.
Those Founder Members both with us, and those who have ascended to the Grand Lodge above, are deserving of our admiration.

This Lodge originated from the needs of a significant number of Masons who had practised their ‘art’ whilst in the United Kingdom, to have a Masonic facility in the area

Our Journey is
Marked in the
Sands of Time

Footprints in the sand mark our continuous Journey


  • Almeria Lodge (No. 74) is consecrated.
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    A number of Brethren regularly travelled to Roquetas, as members, or visitors of Almeria Lodge (No.74), (which was consecrated in November 1993), simply in order to attend Masonic Meetings, with the majority of the members resided in and around the Mojacar area. The journey from Mojacar to Roquetas is a further distance than to visit Almeria City, (and, in those days, the A.7/E.15 motorway did not exist). Having spent over three years establishing the foundation for Almeria Lodge, it became appropriate to spread Freemasonry within this area of Andalucia to another base in the vicinity – Mojacar. The Grand Master of that time decreed that Lodge of Unity could be formed, but only if the members that were to ‘originate’ from Almeria Lodge agreed to continue to support Almeria Lodge (becoming affiliated members) for a period of at least two years. Having obtained that assurance, the Founding members eagerly started to organise themselves


April, October
  • April 4th: The first meeting of the founders for Lodge of Unity takes place at Ricky's Bar in Turre.
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    The first Meeting of the Founders for this new Lodge took place at “Ricky’s Bar”, in Turre, on Friday 4th. April 1997, and under the guidance of the organising Secretary W.Bro Ken Facer, supported by the enthusiasm and knowledge of the Brethren and the eagerness of all of those involved in the process, the necessary finances were collected, regalia and furniture procured and approvals obtained to properly transact the business of the Lodge. Numerous items of furniture and regalia were donated by Founding Members at the time of conception of The Lodge, but also thereafter by other Brethren, for which we are extremely grateful.

  • October 25th: Lodge of Unity is consecrated at The Puntazo Restaurant in Mojacar Playa.
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    Accordingly, four years after the consecration of the first “Mother” Lodge in this area, Lodge of Unity was Consecrated 25th. October 1997, at The Puntazo Restaurant, Mojacar Playa, (commencing at 4:00 p.m.) under the direction of R.H. W.Bro Ernesto Guillem Bosco, and his Officers (listed at the bottom of this page). The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Tomas Sarobe Pinero, was present, (duly receiving eleven salutations) and was officially accompanied by an Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies,

    After a short interval, the first regular meeting of the Lodge of Unity was held and The Installing Master V.H. W.Bro Ken Facer installed W.Bro. Roger Stokes as the first Master of The Lodge, with the usual “extended Ceremony of Installation”, and the establishment of the Lodge’ first Officers. The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Tomas Sarobe Pinero entrusted the W.M. with the new Warrant, Constitutions and draft Bye-Laws.

    A memorable occasion – twenty-six Founding members, a prospective joining member, and seventy three names recorded in the attendance register. The Festive Board accommodated sixty-six Brethren with forty ladies. The Grand Master toasted the youngest Mason present (Bro. Mark Deacon), with charged glass, drank his health as a token of humility, as the custom when the Grand Master visited individual Lodges.

    The members of Lodge of Unity immediately portrayed an enthusiastic approach to Masonic obligations, as can be seen from the schedule of charitable donations within the Summons, and as demonstrated by the regularity of its ritual. The charitable remuneration has been achieved by the organisations of numinous events to collect donations whilst practising the harmony and friendship that epitomises the attitudes of the members of this Lodge, and which continuingly offers to new members the facility to share in this enjoyment.

    Lodge of Unity No. 98 is now known, through-out the Province, as a Lodge that carries out good work, particularly in respect of its ritual and commitment to Charity, and the Lodge carries the respect of numerous visitors and G.L.E. officials.


  • Lodge of Unity moves its meetings from The Puntazo Restaurant to The Kimrick Restaurant.
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    The Lodge initially held its Meetings at ‘The Puntazo Restaurant’ until the summer recess period of 2001, and then from October, relocated to ‘The Kimrick Restaurant’.


  • First Banner Dedication
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    In May 2003, the Lodge held its first Banner Dedication Ceremony and at this time the Lodge was within the Province of Almeria and Murcia.


  • Brothers from Lodge of Unity become affiliated members of Almeria Lodge to support them.
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    Brothers of this Lodge that, when it became necessary to again support the “Mother” Lodge, (when their level of membership became of concern in 2004), readily agreed to become affiliated members of Almeria Lodge, immediately undertaking important Offices and ensuring that the work continued. For instance, W. Bro. Steven Yates was an enthusiastic instigator of this necessary arrangement, and became the next Worshipful Master

  • Lodge of Unity relocates temporarily to La Mata Restaurant due to water damage at The Kimrick Restaurant.
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    Due to an unfortunate ingress of water which made the Temple unsuitable, it necessarily moved its location, temporarily, from November 2004 to the ‘La Mata Restaurant’


  • April: Almanzora Lodge (No. 139) is consecrated.
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    Almanzora Lodge (No. 139) was organised to provide the facility of Freemasonry in that neighbouring area. Again, members of this Lodge came forward to give their support, and in April 2005, the Lodge of Almanzora was consecrated.

  • W. Bro. Steven Yates becomes Worshipful Master of Almeria Lodge.
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    Brothers of this Lodge that, when it became necessary to again support the “Mother” Lodge, (when their level of membership became of concern in 2004), readily agreed to become affiliated members of Almeria Lodge, immediately undertaking important Offices and ensuring that the work continued. For instance, W. Bro. Steven Yates was an enthusiastic instigator of this necessary arrangement, and became the next Worshipful Master

  • W. Bro. Nick Van Loan becomes Tyler of Almeria Lodge.
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    W. Bro. Nick Van Loan became the Tyler, then was Director of Ceremonies for three years.

  • W. Bro. Brian Griffiths becomes Worshipful Master of Lodge of Unity.
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    becomes Woeshipful Master 2005


  • Lodge of Unity moves back to The Kimrick Restaurant.
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    The Lodge returns again to ‘The Kimrick Restaurant’ in October 2006.

  • W. Bro. Cliff Short becomes Worshipful Master of Lodge of Unity.
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    W.Bro. Cliff  Short becomes Worshipful Master.


  • September: Lodge of Unity dedicates its second Banner to reflect its return to the Province of Andalucia.
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    In September 2007, the Lodge dedicated its second Banner to reflect its return to The Province of Andalucia.

  • W. Bro. Stuart Walters becomes the W.M. in 2007
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    W. Bro. Stuart Walters becoming the W.M. in 2007


  • W. Bro. Nick Van Loan resigns as Treasurer of Almeria Lodge.
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    W. Bro. Nick Van Loan resigns as Treasurer of Almeria Lodge.


  • September: Lodge of Unity begins operating from a designated area within The Hostal Rural in Turre.
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    From September 2013 the Lodge has operated from a designated area within ‘The Hostal Rural’, Turre, where the Brethren created an easily erected Temple, from where we continue to reside and enjoy the hospitality of the Owners and staff.


  • February 10th: Lodge of Unity celebrates its 150th regular meeting.
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    On 10th February 2016, Lodge of Unity celebrated the 150th regular meeting ; a grand event, attended by the P.G.M. of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Andalucia, the R.W. Bro. Giles Crawford, and over sixty Brethren enjoyed a ‘special’ Festive Board.

Since Consecration

  • Lodge of Unity has raised over €75,000 for various local charities and organizations.
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    Since Consecration, from the dedication of The Lodge members, over €75,000:00 has been raised, and distributed to various local Charities, inclusive of numerous items of equipment to the Emergency Health Centers both in Mojacar and Los Gallardos, Maecenas Senior Citizens Club, Animo, A.S.P.R.O.D.A.L.B.A., the Children’s Home in Vera, Local Protection Civil, M.A.C.S., Stepping Stones (a local Carer Support Group), A.S.A.D.I.S (local school for persons requiring special needs) together with donations to Provincial and Grand Lodge Charities and Festivals, disaster funds around the World, and to cover costs of some personal needs (i.e. translations) for various people suffering health issues.

  • The Lodge has held numerous fundraising events within the community.
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    The Brethren’s dedication is matched with enjoyment, as the majority of this money has emanated from the renowned events that are organised within the Community which provide pleasure to all who attend and contribute. B-B-Q’s, Quiz nights, Bowling Matches, Golf Days, Valentines night Dinner and Dance’s, Burns Suppers and Ladies Festivals have all provided the tool for the acquisition of funds to enable those less fortunate, or in need, to benefit.

  • 26 Brothers have served as Worshipful Master of Lodge of Unity.
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    Twenty six Brothers have occupied the Master’s Chair of Lodge of Unity, installed its Officers, conducted its business and affairs, initiated, passed and raised Brothers so that they have experienced the benefits of instruction, benevolence and Masonic traditions – to work in harmony and UNITY – and long may it continue!

  • The Founding Officers of The Lodge of Unity[No.98]
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    Worshipful Master – W.Bro. Roger Stokes
    Acting Past Master – W.Bro. Roy Spencer
    Senior Warden – W.Bro. Tony Reed
    J.W. Junior Warden – W.Bro. Sid Higgins
    Chaplain – Bro. Philip Chesler
    Treasurer – W.Bro. Peter Hay Smith
    Secretary – W.Bro. Kenneth Facer
    Director of Ceremonies – W.Bro. Layton Lougher
    Senior Deacon – Bro. Tom Galbraith
    Junior Deacon – Bro. John Woodcock
    Charity Steward – Bro. John Hackett
    Almoner – Bro. John Appleby
    Assist’ Director of Ceremonies – W.Bro. Peter Tootell
    Inner Guard – Bro. Richard Howard
    Steward – Bro. Nick Van Loan
    Steward – Bro. Mark Davies
    Steward – Bro. David Metters
    Steward – Bro. John Robinson
    Tyler – Bro. Peter Bates.

  • The Founding Members of Lodge of Unity [No. 98]
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    W.Bro. Brian James, W.Bro Julian Reading, Bro. Jack Parker, Bro. Donald Harmer, Bro. Shane Keevil, Bro. David Smith, Bro. Peter Williamson, and Bro Alfred Hunt.

  • The ‘Consecrating Officers’ of the Lodge of Unity [No. 98]
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    Consecrating Officer – R.W. Bro. Ernesto Guillem Bosco, P.G.M.
    Senior Warden – W. Bro. J. Nunn, P. Grand S. W.
    Junior Warden – W.Bro. E. Molina Hernandez
    Chaplain – W. Bro. Andres Marchante
    Secretary – W. Bro. M. Landa Diaz, P. Assist’ G. Sec’.
    Director of Ceremonies – W. Bro. G. Benstead, P. G. D of C.
    Assistant Director of Ceremonies – W. Bro. P. Brown, P.A.G.D. of C.
    Organist – W. Bro. T. Willett, P.G. Organ’
    Inner Guard – W. Bro. A Forrest, P.G. Inner Guard.
    Tyler – W. Bro. T. Hook.